41 CFR Subpart E - Subpart E—Agency Responsibilities

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  1. § 302-11.400 What policies and procedures must we establish?
  2. § 302-11.401 Under what conditions may we authorize or approve a residence transaction expense allowance?
  3. § 302-11.402 Who is not eligible to receive residence transaction expense allowances?
  4. § 302-11.403 What policies must we establish before accepting documentation from an employee for reimbursement of residence transaction expenses?
  5. § 302-11.404 What controls must we establish for paying allowances for expenses incurred in connection with residence transactions?
  6. § 302-11.405 Which agency must review and approve the employee's application when the employee transfers between agencies?
  7. § 302-11.406 How must we administer an employee's claim?
  8. § 302-11.407 What documentation must we require the employee to submit before paying residence transaction expenses?
Note to subpart E:

Use of pronouns “we”, “you”, and their variants throughout this subpart refers to the agency.