foreign election interference

(4) Foreign election interference The term “foreign election interference” means conduct by a foreign person that— (A) (i) violates Federal criminal, voting rights, or campaign finance law; or (ii) is performed by any person acting as an agent of or on behalf of, or in coordination with, a foreign government or criminal enterprise; and (B) includes any covert, fraudulent, deceptive, or unlawful act or attempted act, or knowing use of information acquired by theft, undertaken with the specific intent to significantly influence voters, undermine public confidence in election processes or institutions, or influence, undermine confidence in, or alter the result or reported result of, a general or primary Federal, State, or local election or caucus, including— (i) the campaign of a candidate; or (ii) a ballot measure, including an amendment, a bond issue, an initiative, a recall, a referral, or a referendum.


22 USC § 2708(k)(4)

Scoping language

As used in this section
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