4755 - Ohio Occupational Therapy, Physical Therapy Board, and Athletic Trainers Board

  1. Chapter 4755-1 - Notice (§ 4755-1-01 to 4755-1-08)
  2. Chapter 4755-2 - Impaired Practitioner Rules; Disciplinary Procedures; License Reinstatement (§ 4755-2-01 to 4755-2-04)
  3. Chapter 4755-3 - Licensing, Examination, Education, and Training (§ 4755-3-01 to 4755-3-15)
  4. Chapter 4755-4 - Fees (§ 4755-4-01 to 4755-4-02)
  5. Chapter 4755-5 - Fees (§ 4755-5-01 to 4755-5-11)
  6. Chapter 4755-7 - Limited Permit Holders and Occupational Therapy Assistants; Conduct of Licensees (§ 4755-7-01 to 4755-7-11)
  7. Chapter 4755-8 - Personal Information Systems (§ 4755-8-01 to 4755-8-06)
  8. Chapter 4755-9 - Continuing Education (§ 4755-9-01 to 4755-9-02)
  9. Chapter 4755-21 - Notice; Denial, Suspension, or Revocation of License (§ 4755-21-01 to 4755-21-03)
  10. Chapter 4755-23 - Licensing, Examination, and Continuing Education (§ 4755-23-01 to 4755-23-17)
  11. Chapter 4755-24 - Fees (§ 4755-24-01 to 4755-24-09)
  12. Chapter 4755-26 - Personal Information Systems (§ 4755-26-01 to 4755-26-06)
  13. Chapter 4755-27 - Conduct of Licensees (§ 4755-27-01 to 4755-27-09)
  14. Chapter 4755-28 - Surrender of License (§ 4755-28-01)
  15. Chapter 4755-29 - Prescriptions; Referrals; Orders (§ 4755-29-01)
  16. Chapter 4755-40 - Notice (§ 4755-40-01 to 4755-40-07)
  17. Chapter 4755-41 - Code of Ethics (§ 4755-41-01 to 4755-41-04)
  18. Chapter 4755-42 - Use of Title; Referrals (§ 4755-42-01 to 4755-42-03)
  19. Chapter 4755-43 - Licensing, Examination, and Education (§ 4755-43-01 to 4755-43-13)
  20. Chapter 4755-44 - Notice of Changes; Certificate of Licensure (§ 4755-44-01 to 4755-44-02)
  21. Chapter 4755-45 - Continuing Education (§ 4755-45-01 to 4755-45-02)
  22. Chapter 4755-46 - Delegation of Tasks (§ 4755-46-01 to 4755-46-02)
  23. Chapter 4755-47 - Fees (§ 4755-47-01 to 4755-47-06)
  24. Chapter 4755-48 - Complaints (§ 4755-48-01 to 4755-48-02)
  25. Chapter 4755-61 - (§ 4755-61-01 to 4755-61-07)
  26. Chapter 4755-62 - Definitions; Scope of Practice (§ 4755-62-01 to 4755-62-02)
  27. Chapter 4755-63 - Licensure; Educational Requirements (§ 4755-63-01 to 4755-63-15)
  28. Chapter 4755-64 - (§ 4755-64-01 to 4755-64-05)
  29. Chapter 4755-65 - Continuing Education (§ 4755-65-01 to 4755-65-02)
  30. Chapter 4755-66 - (§ 4755-66-01 to 4755-66-11)
  31. Chapter 4755-70 - Requirements for 3-D Printing of Open-Source Prosthetic Kits (§ 4755-70-01)

State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.