Title 530 - Office of Personnel Management

  1. Chapter 1 - Office of Personnel Management Administrative Rules [REVOKED] (Subchapter 1 to 3)
  2. Chapter 10 - Merit System of Personnel Administration Rules [REVOKED]
  3. Chapter 15 - Voluntary Payroll Deduction [REVOKED] (Subchapter 1 to 5)
  4. Chapter 20 - Oklahoma State Employees' Direct Deposit [REVOKED] (Subchapter 1 to 3)
  5. Chapter 25 - State Employee Child Day Care Program Rules [REVOKED] (Subchapter 1 to 9)


Effective 8-26-11, the Office of Personnel Management, along with several other agencies, was consolidated into the Office of State Finance, as set forth in HB 2140 (2011) [Laws 2011, c. 302, § 2]. "All rules . . . of the [Office of Personnel Management] . . . shall continue in force and effect as the rules . . . of the [Office of Personnel Management] until duly modified or abrogated by the appropriate body or until otherwise provided by law" [62 O.S.2011, § 34.3.1]. [Note: In 2012, the Legislature enacted additional legislation related to this consolidation (see HB 3079 and HB 3053); however, this legislation did not become effective until after the 8-15-12 cutoff date for the 2012 OAC Supplement.]

State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.

No prior version found.