1185 - Tennessee Public Charter School Commission

  1. Chapter 1185-01-01 - Charter School Appeals (§ 1185-01-01-.01 to 1185-01-01-.04)
  2. Chapter 1185-01-02 - Public Records Requests (§ 1185-01-02-.01)
  3. Chapter 1185-01-03 - Achievement School District Authorization (§ 1185-01-03-.01 to 1185-01-03-.03)


Original rules 1185-01-01-.01 through 1185-01-01-.03 filed October 29, 2020; effective January 27, 2021.
New rule 1185-01-02-.01 filed April 5, 2021; effective July 4, 2021.
Emergency rule 1185-01-01-.04 filed July 28, 2021; effective through January 24, 2022. Emergency rule expired effective January 25, 2022, and the rule reverted its previous status.
Emergency rules 1185-01-03-.01 through 1185-01-03-.03 filed October 28, 2021; effective through April 26, 2022.
New rules 1185-01-03-.01 through 1185-01-03-.03 filed November 15, 2021; effective February 13, 2022.
New rule 1185-01-01-.04 filed November 16, 2021; effective 2/14/2022.

State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.

No prior version found.