中华人民共和国婚姻法 (Marriage Law of the People's Republic of China)

This law was replaced in 2020 by the Civil Code, Book Five (Marriage and Family) (中华人民共和国民法典(第五编 婚姻家庭编) (available here). The Marriage Law of the People’s Republic of China was adopted by the National People’s Congress on September 10, 1980 and amended on April 28, 2001. Article 2 provides that the marriage system is “based on the free choice of partners, on monogamy and on equality between man and woman.” Article 3 prohibits interference by a third party, mercenary marriage and exaction of money or gifts in connection with marriage. Article 6 provides the minimal marriage age is twenty-two for men and twenty for women. Article 13 provides that husband and wife shall have equal status in the family. Article 34 provides that “a husband may not apply for a divorce when his wife is pregnant, or within one year after the birth of the child, or within six months after the termination of her gestation.” Article 43 provides that neighborhood committee, villagers committee or the unit[1] to which the family belongs have an obligation to deter domestic violence. English version available here.



[1] “Unit” is a term of art with strong communist connotations, which refers to the company/organization/group to which a person belongs.



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